Surprising Facts About Yeast Infection In Women

Surprising Facts About Yeast Infection In Women

Submitted by: Linda D. Allen

Yeast infection is just one of a range of various infections to occupy the female genital area and the vulva (the area surrounding the genital area) causing the frequently noted symptoms of yeast infection in women. It is also called by the names of Candida, Monilia and Thrush.

In fact, there are three kinds of yeast infection in women:

1) Trichomoniasis: when protozoa with parasitic behavior generate the infection of the genital area.

2) Bacterial vaginosis: infection that in the majority is socially transmitted, caused by bacteria.

3) Yeast infection: yeast-like microorganisms known as Candida albicans are responsible for the genital infection in this instance.

Candida is typically present in human guts, throats, mouths and genitourinary complexes and is naturally present in the bowels (in particular, Candida Albicans, a fungal yeast-like microorganism).


Candida can be beneficial in identifying and eliminating bacteria and other disease-inducing microbes in the bowels. Candida albicans can therefore help the body to defend itself from other bacterial threats.

If our inner body apparatus keeps the balance correctly between acid and alkali, our immune system is sufficiently powerful and the friendly probiotic bacteria are more numerous than the Candida organisms (probiotic or friendly bacteria include L. salivarius, B. bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus), then in our intestines, Candida is restricted to the right level. In a healthy person there can be millions of Candida microbes that are in fact of internal benefit.

The disaster scenario for Candida yeast overpopulation happens however, when a fragile immune system, a loss of friendly bacteria or toxicity or acidity in the blood works against our internal system.

These factors and cofactors push up Candida overpopulation and are also causal in worsening an already established yeast infection. Like other health problems, Candida yeast infection is caused not only by various primary and secondary considerations, but also their interrelationships.

These factors directly or indirectly constitute the environment in which the multiplication of Candida is unbounded and causes a range of common yeast infection symptoms, comprising psychological, mental, lifestyle and external elements also.

Candida albicans can mutate from simple, harmless yeast form to a type of mycelial fungus that spreads throughout the body. Candida Overpopulation is in fact a phenomenon resulting from internal imbalance.

The conditions which run from the irritating to the catastrophic include the leaky gut syndrome, adverse nutrient reaction, rashes, brain fog and irritation, itchiness, swollenness, inflamed areas and white discharge in th genital area. This happens as a result of Candida changing in form from yeast to fungus, and growing root structures called rhizoids that hook into the intestinal walls piecing holes. Yeast, toxic debris, bacteria and undigested food then move through the holes and into the bloodstream.

Candida yeast infection overpopulation happens mainly because of:

Poor dietary decisions and wrong acid-alkaline balance in the gut.

Loss of beneficial probiotic bacteria.

A depressed immune system.

Higher levels of toxicity in the intestinal tract.

These 4 items make for the degraded context for Candida Albicans to multiply and mutate from yeast to fungus, which in turn results in the accompanying symptoms such as yeast infection.

Lifestyle considerations such as cleanliness, stress, and even the kind of clothes that you put on can also worsen a Candida condition that has already begun. Hormones out of balance, (during menstruation, for example), use of antibiotics, prescribed medicaments, steroids and contraceptive pills can also trigger yeast infection scenarios.

This also explains the blockage that physicians face when trying to eradicate this recurring medical condition using conventional prescribed and over the counter drugs. Yeast infection, especially in its most common variants such as yeast infection in women, is fundamentally an internal problem brought on by two or more factors and therefore a challenge to solve.

To really eliminate the problem at the base, rather than only treating the symptoms of the problem (external appearances) means a multidimensional holistic approach. It is a fact as well that every health challenge including yeast infection in women has this multi-dimensional nature.

About the Author: Linda Allen is a medical researcher, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book

Yeast Infection No More

. To Learn More About Linda Allen’s Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit:

Yeast Infection Cure


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