Tell Tale Signs That You May Have A Stalker
Here’s An Opinion On: Financial Planning Services Best Financial Advice By Richard Armen In today’s world, the danger that a stalker presents is serious business. Although there are various steps that you can take to help limit the possibility that you may acquire a stalker, it is sometimes inevitable. There are a number of tell-tale signs that you may have a stalker. If you think someone may be stalking or following you, can consult the authorities and take action to limit the amount of danger presented by your stalker. 1) Understand the potential for stalking. Stalking is a type of intimidation and harassment that usually stems from a stalker not understanding the nature of a relationship. For example, if you’ve recently turned someone down for a date and they don’t seem to fully grasp the situation, you may be in danger. Stalking does not just include following you; often, these…